Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Top Ten Dumbest Things Professional Sports athletes Do

Top Ten Dumbest Things Professional Sports athletes Do
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It fascinating to look at professional sports athletes blow through almost all their millions within their first couple of years after which do not have anything left at retirement, that is usually merely a couple of years later. The number of fifty-year-olds continue to be playing professional sports? Very few (minus golfers obviously, who'll drag their canes and oxygen tanks together around the fairway). Why don professional sports athletes save a few dollars?

9. Love My Hog

It much less wise to obtain hurt from the job when youe a professional athlete. Cleveland Browns Kellen Winslow Junior. crashed his motorcycle lately and can now miss the 2005 National football league season. Jay Williams, a respected draft pick from the Chicago Bulls, also experienced a motorbike accident and it has not performed since. With motorcycles anyhow? Discuss killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.

10. hen You Arrived At a Fork within the Road, Go??Yogi Berra Saying really dumb things in media appears to become a particularly easy factor to complete if youe an expert athlete. I looked in many web sites Arsenal jerseys to develop a great list here. My problem was that there have been a lot of high quality ones, I wasn sure which of them to choose. But listed here are a couple of gems:

a. Paul Hamm, Gymnast: "I owe a great deal to my parents, especially my mom and dad.Inch

b. Baseball player Tito Fuentes, after you have hit with a pitch: hey should not throw at me. I am the daddy of 5 or 6 kids."

c. Football coach Ray Malavasi: "I do not care exactly what the tape states. I did not say it."

d. Baseball player Dizzy Dean, following a 1- game: "The overall game was closer compared to score indicated."

e. Boxing Analyst: "Sure there has been injuries, as well as some deaths in boxing, but not one of them really that serious."

f. Soccer commentator: "Julian Dicks is everywhere. It's like they have got eleven Dicks around the area."

g. Bill Cowher, Gambling coach: "We are not trying to circumcise rules."

h. Jim Wohford: "90 percent of the overall game is half mental."

i. Joe Theismann: "Nobody in football ought to be known as a genius. A genius is really a guy like Norman AC Milan Jersey Einstein."

j. Charles Shackleford from the NCSU basketball team: "Left hands, right hands, it does not matter. I am amphibious."

k. Shaquille O'Neal, on his insufficient titles: "I have won at each level, except college and professional."

When I already requested before, so what can we expect from professional sports athletes? They frequently reflect society in general. A lot of time, money and fame in a really youthful age can augment stupidity, simple as that. All of us say and do dumb Cheap Jeremy Lin's No.17 Jersey things, but fortunately, we don have microphones and camcorders pointed at us constantly. As Norman Einstein accustomed to say, eally wise sports soccer jersey cheap athletes avoid problems simply because they can predict the near future using their ESPN.?!-- google_ad_section_finish -->report=2012-02-29data

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